Fleetwood Mac was in town the other day. So naturally while on the tram I assumed every 40 - 50 year old getting off at Rod Laver Arena would be attending some Britney Spears concert. It could happen if she's still alive in a couple of decades, but going on current form who can really tell? But of course I could never afford to see something of that vintage and quality as I was off to the one dayer at the G' with Marcus, which of course we lost due to half the team literally getting caught out big time. I find that particular ad often comes back to bite the Vics in situations like these.
Once we figured out who was playing, a lot of fun was had speculating on who their support act would be. My favourites were Nickelback and/or Linkin Park for pure contrast in both style and quality. Just hearing "Fleetwood Mac with special guests Short Stack!" is enough to bring a smile to my stupid easily amused face. When I first heard of Short Stack could only envisage singing emo pancakes in spray on jeans and 'meggings' (Men in tights, but nothing like the Mel Brooks movie).
Indeed apart from that there wasn't all that much to smile about at the game itself. The only real point of interest was when the Chiu household lord and saviour Cam White brought himself on to bowl a couple of overs. Perhaps that was the omen I should've been looking out for. No, Whitey... no!
On a completely unrelated note, I realise it's been a very long time since I wrote anything here. Uni aside, writing these is a lot harder than it used to be given that I probably over think things too much so I end up rewriting a lot of what you see here. It's also a bit more difficult as I still link these posts through FriendFace/FaceSpace/SpaceFrame and I've become a lot more conscious as to who might be reading this pile of merde. Not that I expect many people to actually read whatever I write anyway.
I've come to see this as the test match version of blogging and my Twitter feed as the T20 version. Whichever form of the game I stick with remains to be seen. In any case, here endeth the hiatus.