I got my John Avon signed Alara MPS lands in the post today, my rational Asian cheapo strongly advised against buying them in the first place but I really couldn't resist. I even got to communicate with the man via email, fulfilling some sort of nerdcore fantasy I suppose. Not that I went crazy with the complements and use of netspeak - I was far too self conscious to do that.
I should really take better care of my money, especially when I'm too busy studying to work a proper job that wasn't described in "Gangs of Oz". In the meantime though I'm still waiting for any potential windfall from the Rudd government to reach my bank account so that I can purchase this little item. Not sure if Rudd intended for all this money to go overseas like that though.
For those not in the know, this is a toaster with a theme based upon the Cylons from the updated version of Battlestar Galactica. In this universe they substitue all the swearing with the word 'Frak'. It also turns out they refer to the Cylons as toasters. That's an awful lot of explanation for an insider joke in a way that is guaranteed to confuse and alienate all those who can't understand why you would want your toast made with a Cylon head burnt into it. Never mind that the show is actually good and very serious in the way that the Stargate series is not (MacGyver in space?!), I just love a good space opera.
Don't know if I'd actually use it to make toast though. It looks far too pretty.
U need to use it at least once XD.
And then seal the toast and frame it.