This blog post is brought to you today by the Time Life "80s Music Explosion" compilation starring Belinda Carlisle and that other guy in a suit. If you missed it catch it late weeknights on Ten. Or if the new free to air alliance Freeview is to be believed, on every single one of the 15 channels available to us in the new year. Imagine that, 15 channels of wall to wall late night home shopping on the television. Perhaps I will buy that steam cleaner I've never wanted.

I only mention this because I found myself watching the promotional infomercial in question and for some odd perverse reason found myself enjoying those 80s hits cascading across my screen. I would chalk this one up to the time of day and my perhaps mentally incapacitated state at said time, but it can't be all that - there must be something horribly wrong with me... I'm not sure what the cure for taste in bad 80s music is, it might lead to Clockwork Orange style reprogramming sessions where I end up in spasms every time I hear "Like To Get To Know You Well" by Howard Jones. Oh hold on, I already do that. Curse this medication.

Perhaps the most disturbing part of becoming accustomed to a dodgy late night television advertorial is the fact that I visited the Time Life website as part of a follow up for this post. Frankly I shouldn't be surprised that such a site exists as this will give them the opportunity to bombard me with out of copyright material both online and on TV. Even more disturbingly there are six ratings for this product, meaning at least six people have no knowledge of the internet and how to acquire music from it.

Oh and before I leave you with that nice thought, it has come to my attention that people have been pancaking without my presence. I imagine this is how it feels to be cheated on, so is this the time where I act like a jilted lover and play "(I Just) Died in your Arms" by Cutting Crew while sobbing over the onion soup I'm preparing? Hey, that's conveniently on that Time Life 80s compilation! I'd make an insensitive Brett Lee comment but I'm paranoid that he'll track me down in his giant bouncing ball and pound me to death on the pavement.