Tonight on the platform after class, I had yet another encounter with one of those super religious Latter Day Churchers. Normally I wouldn't complain but this is the 3rd one I've spoken to in the last four years, and more worryingly the last two were only a few months apart. I must really be their type. I imagine it has to do with the fact that I try to stand clear of most other people on the platform making me easier to single out and harass. If I want to act like a loner, why not leave me be? Their particular version of Jesus can't possibly be that better than the others, can it? Perhaps this version offers eternal afterlife and an Xbox 360 to boot. No games included though, that's where they get you.
The stations put a lot of good stuff up late, stuff people with 'mainstream' tastes tend to miss, such as 30 Rock, Boston Legal, Good Game and Newstopia. However, they also put on a lot of crap at this time too. If you can't get enough of Mariah Carey this moment they're showing Glitter, not to be confused with Holiday in Cambodia: The Gary Glitter Story. Seems like her life is so real it hurts, though if you're having a film made about your life why bother hiring someone to do it for you when you can do it yourself? I suppose that makes sense in theory, acting ability and expression notwithstanding.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to bombard your computer monitors with my imitable brand of crapping on as of late, there are far too many assignments due for uni and never enough time. Semester just seems to fly by quicker and quicker each year, must be that age thing going on again. Falling into routine never seemed so dangerous really. Before you know it several items are due at once and you wish you had a Time Vault combo to sort things out. I have been preparing in a strange kind of way though, I've been going to bed later so I become fully acclimatised once the all nighters kick in the next week or two. That's partially why I'm typing this at what is currently half past one in the morning. As long as I'm not conscripted into flying a plane for Qantas or assassinate the members of PCD, what could possibly go wrong?
This semester I've taken to dedicating Thursdays working on my design projects up at Union House, aka Onion House to some. It really hurts that my studio that day is on at 6pm, and the fact I have no other classes that day drives the stake in just that little bit further. But I manage to make the most of it by doing my work in the company of friends who drop in and out over the course of the day. On days like these I spend practically the entire day in Union, planting my arse on my seat of choice right next to the power socket. That's right, I have a favourite power point. Its' name is Howard.
How very profoundly saddening.
Okay, so I made that bit up but the change of location away from the Home Building known as Archi is an invigorating one so to speak. I could easily spend the entire day in the Archi labs and indeed I have gone through long stretches cooped up hammering out a project without distractions. But in that case I wouldn't be able to have 'Party All The Time' YouTube parties or scar myself for life by watching that cursed Marky Mark video. I wouldn't be able to speculate on what kind of pornographic material could be stored on the old school HDDs totalling a whopping 5MB of memory. (The answer according to X is ASCII porn. Hilariously stupid, yet strangely sensical.) So although I may seem to be there all day long (cos I am) sitting there at my laptop until I lose all feeling in my legs and arse working on some neverending project, it seems worth it.
Speaking of cryptic titles, Mel Gibson reportedly turned down an opportunity to star in Lethal Weapon 5. After fighting apartheid South Africans and Chinese triads, would the next logical step be to fight overzealous drunken folk with an irrational grudge against Jewish people? Oh wait, never mind.