
Just a quick note to say that semester one is over. Thank freak for that... you know something isn't right when it's 2 in the morning and you don't need sleep and instead feel compelled to work on your project a little more. I had final presentation today, I'll post more on that a little later once I reacquaint myself with the sleeping patterns of a regular person. Strangely that involves me adapting the sleeping patterns of Mike Goldman, who only emerges twice a year to host Big Brother and Meerkat Manor. (I am convinced that the only reason he remains on BB is to prevent him from making any further seasons of Meerkat Manor. Time will tell.)

Oh, and it's probably time to return the wheelbarrows of books I borrowed from the libraries of the University of Melbourne and RMIT. It feels a bit odd borrowing there, I have this feeling that someday I'll be caught out and ostracised for attending an elitist institution with little regard for academic independence. Oh how the shame spiral turns.

To close things out, here's a clip I've been waiting for a short while. It's a clip from the season finale of Newstopia where they mess around with the voiceovers for Iron Chef.

Until next time, make sure someone's there to fill your plate.